Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gay Comic Review: Manson #1 by Enzo

Class Comics has a brilliant new writer/illustrator by the name of Enzo. If the first issue of the digital series Manson is any indicator, Enzo's work is going to be nothing short of spectacular. What really strikes me about Manson #1 is that the art goes for more of a sense of realism and realistic proportions than the bulk of their superhero comics. While I appreciate both, the more sincere, down to earth approach to art and story telling is really refreshing.

Here's the synopsis:
Manson, the tale of a scrappy New York street hustler! It’s tough being ayoung hustler on the busy streets of the Big Apple. New York has it’s share of crazies, and you always have to keep an eye out for the cops. But when you’re young and full of cum like Manson, peddling the goods that God gave you is a great way to make a quick buck.

Of course, as with all Class Comics titles, there is lots of great sex. Manson goes on a pretty eventful romp in this first issue. Wish my life was this action packed! If you want a bit of a more explicit preview, check out the Mason page at Class Comics. At $4.50, this comic is well worth the price. 

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