Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Nine "Interesting" Gay Valentine's Day Gifts Found on Etsy

So, love is in the air today! And what better place to find that special someone the right gift than on Etsy. Honestly, Etsy has a great deal of good quality,  charming handmade products. So, when you run across something that is a bit sketchy in nature, it tends to stick out like a sore thumb.

So, here are nine "interesting" choices from this year's crop of Etsy gifts found when using the search term "Gay Valentine." Enjoy.

#1) Penis Soap
While the craftsmanship is first rate, I am just not convinced anyone would actually purchase penis shaped soap, much less display it on a shelf in their living room. I do admire that they took the time to add clip art hearts to their photo.

#2) Gay Love Poppet
Comes with a personalized rune to bind you to the object of your affection! Show someone how much you care by mystically binding them to you for life.
Oh, and it comes with hand stitched penis!

"This poppet is roughly 6 inches tall, hand sewn using thread, stuffed with cotton and adorned with buttons, as well as a phallus, and sold as a curio only. Use it as a decoration, inspiration, or enchant it with your own magic to make it work for you."

And should your love fall apart, you can always stick pins in and use it as a voodoo doll!

I mean let's face it. It is still pretty cold in February.

#4) Personalized BBQ Sauce Gift Set

Slather me in your sauce, Daddy.

#5) Ride It. My Pony
"Nothing says I love you like a horse hunk underwear model." Set of 4 embossed, non-folding cards tied together with a ribbon! Each featuring a horse headed hunk.

#6) Penis Doll
While I cannot deny the allure of googly eyes, I do have to wonder if the creator has ever actually seen a penis.

#7) Powered by Lesbian Kisses T-Shirt
 I actually think this shirt is pretty great. Just wondering why they chose a male model.

If this doesn't get you laid on Valentine's Day, nothing will.

#9) Penis Butterfly Magnet

No refrigerator is complete without it! I am actually impressed they adorned it with bling!

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