Friday, September 19, 2014

Shorty Shorts Queer Film Festival is Taking Submissions!

Shorty Shorts Queer Film Festival, one of the coolest gay short film festivals in the US, is taking submissions until Oct. 25th! The short films are to be no longer than 10 minutes! Based on the films shown over the last four years, it would seem that any subject matter is fair game. The festival itself will be in November in Portland, OR. If you ask really nice, festival organizer Gula Delgatto might bring the films to your hometown for a showing!

In their own words:
We are looking for anyone to submit a queer minded short film 10 minutes or less and have it shown on the big screen. Regardless if you owned a fancy HD camera or just a simple cell phone we want everyone to have the opportunity to show their work and ideas. We are so grateful for your support and contributions. You the filmmakers are the backbone of this festival. Without your incredible talent and drive Shorty Shorts would not be possible.
Watch the call for submissions video below. Also, watch the hilarious footage from the Festival in 2012! You can visit their website here:

When we visited the page, we had a hard time getting the submission button to work. So, if you have a similar problem, no worries. Here is the link!

submit to reddit

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